Safe in my Father's hands

You see, Im also not the kind of person who believes I deserve anything I havent worked for. Yet if I worked for it, I can accept that thing and use it as productively as possible. So when I was considering buying a van which cost double what I was originally intending to pay, I prayed about whether I was doing the right thing. And no miracle benefactor appeared, no-one turned round and offered me the money. And even if they had, I probably wouldnt have accepted it. But I stepped out in faith, and I bought it because I believe that this is God's plan for me and my finances are safe in his hands.
And 4 days later, I get a pay rise at work that will have covered the cost of the van by the time I leave. And because I know I have worked for that money, I feel ok about putting it towards my master plan.
We are all safe in His hands, even if we dont know it until after we have taken the risk.
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